I'm linking up over with Farley for the November Currently!

Yes, I am in my classroom on a Saturday for a training! I've been coming and working in my classroom on Saturdays since the beginning of the school year but it just FEELS different when we are SUPPOSED to be here! YIKES! I hope it goes by fast!
I stopped by Jamba Juice this morning and grabbed a smoothie and some oatmeal!
YUM! Try their oatmeal {if you haven't already!}
Sitting in my classroom and staring at the super old *blueberries* {old iMacs} gets me depressed! They hardly work and I'm just thinking about what my kiddos could do on iPads and laptops!
Soooo, I am wanting more technology!
I have 2 iPod touches that we got donated through Donor's Choose {YAY!} and we use them everyday!
I am needing a home cooked meal since I haven't cooked all WEEK!
MUSIC... I haven't been very good about putting on music in my class this year! WHOOPS! But when I do, I love putting on Classical, Disney, and sometimes fun stuff {the girls- me included LOVE Justin B.}.
I also like to play the Cha Cha Slide and the Tooty-Tah as a reward at the end of the day! Again, I haven't done that in FoReVeR but they like it!
Okay, I am off to this ST Math training! Does anybody use it? Familiar with it?
I'll come back and share!
Here via Farley's linky - I know what you mean about needing technology! Up until this week I didn't even have a computer that works well enough for the kids do use! We finally got an iPad on Tuesday and it's just making me want more tech, lol :)
Ooooh! Banana oatmeal sounds AWESOME!!!!! We couldn't do ipads because we don't have Wifi. We are WAY out in the country. Doubt we will get it anytime soon! :(
Kindergarten Korner
I got my iPad last week through Donor's Choose and now I want more!! The kids love it and they never ask me for help with it. I hate when we have trainings on weekends:P I had one on Friday afternoon. Who listens on a Friday afternoon?? Sounds like you've been a busy bee. Hope you get to slow down a bit this month:)
Surfin' Through Second