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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Birchbox, BABY!!!

I love love love Birchbox!!!
For just 10 bucks a month, they send me awesome high end samples to try out!!
I'm going to show you what I got in my July Birchbox!!
 Here is the box!!! It comes in a bright pink outer box but I ripped it open before I even took a picture!!! Ooops!
All my Birchboxes have come super super packaged! Beautiful wrapping with beautiful tissue paper! It's like Christmas morning every month!! I love opening a new one to see the pretty colors and the goodies that I've received!
I got this full size (seems full size!) Stila lip gloss!!! I love the color and it is sooo shiny!! :)
Mini size LaraBar! YUM!!
Super cute PINK and GREEN headphones!!! These are my classroom colors so I was SUPER excited to get them! I can't wait to match my room!
 Inside your package, you'll have a mini- package all wrapped up and beautiful!! Ok... this one isn't as beautiful but that's only because I had already opened it and tried to wrap it back up and it just didn't look the same... SORRY! I love these little gifts! I love them because I usually get nail polish in them and I LOVE LOVE LOVE nail polish! This is the first time that I didn't get nail polish! 
Inside I had a little bronzer (I LOVE BRONZER!! SUPER SPARKLY!), a hair mask (little white jar), and a perfume sample!
Here is the bronzer!

Here is the hair mask!! I can't wait to use! I'm waiting to get a hair cut though!

And here is an upside down pic of the perfume! I love this sample because it actually has a little pump and I can spray it! I love the scent! It is so summery!! 
Inside all of my Birchboxes I get little cards that have little blurbs about the items that I've just recieved! I love reading these! They also tell you the full-size price. Sometimes I don't even want to know, they are so expensive but it is really nice to try them for cheap!! :)

Now, you are probably wanting to sign-up, right!!!! 
Well, I would love for you to use my referral link! I love seeing what other people get in their Birchbox!! Click {HERE} to sign up using my link!!
 I can't wait to see other's Birchbox!! Laters!


  1. I love birchbox too! I got a waterproof mascara instead of the bronzer though. It's like a mini Christmas each month.

    1. Oooh!! Mascara... I would have loved that!!

  2. I heart Birchbox! I did not get that lip gloss but I got some sweet nail polish!!

    Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade
    Mrs. Wheeler TpT

    1. I LOVE the nail polish that I've gotten!! Maybe I'll get one in August!! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am soooo excited! I am still waiting for mine to arrive...should be any day now (-;

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  5. All those goodies look like so much fun!!!

    First Grade and Fabulous
