I super enjoyed the last product swap because I had the super awesome Fluttering Through First Grade as my partner!
Now, I know that this product swap is going to be just as good because I am paired up with Susan from TGIF (Thank God It's First Grade)! This is her old button:
But she got this awesome blog makeover and check out her new button:
I'm loving Susan's new look!
I got to pick one item from Susan's TpT Store {HERE}
I got to pick this bad boy!
Here is the description from TpT: This unit has everything you need to help your students meet the Common Core Standard {1.NBT.1}: Students will count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral.
In this packet:
(p.1) Title page
(2-14) Spin n' Graph: Activities for number recognition as well as numeral and number word identification. There are 6 different games to allow for growth and differentiation.
(15-16) Flip it, Say it, Write it, Draw it: Partner activity for number identification.
(17) Order Up: Group activity for ordering numbers 0-120.
(18-23) Number cards 0-120 for use during activities
(24) Games to play with 10s and 20s frames
(25-26) Individual 10s and 20s frames for students to use during whole group instruction
(27-31) Numeral cards 1-20 with matching 10s/20s frames to use during games
(32) Games to play with a 120 chart
(33-36) A complete 120 chart for student use, and 3 incomplete 120 chart for fill in.
(37-46) 120 Chart Puzzles: Students work together to put together the "broken" 120 chart.
(47-53) Read the Room: Activity for number word recognition. Numbers 0-25 as well as multiples of 10 to 120.
(53-56) Three different assessments to use throughout unit
(57) Acknowledgements!
I am in LOVE with this packet!
Look at my little nugget helping me laminate the goods!! :)
My laminator was hard at work!
Here are the contents...
8 different 120's chart PUZZLES!! They are awesome!
My kiddos loved them!! :)
I initially printed them out on white paper but Susan suggested printing the different puzzles on colored paper! Brilliant!
Here they all are printed! Just need to laminate and cut! They will then be ready for my kids' little hands!
The pack also includes 120 charts that have some numbers missing! I laminated them and my students write in the missing numbers with dry erase markers!
Here is a filled in one! :)
In this pack, there are also number cards to 120... with another activity!
Another activity is the Read the Room! You place the number words around the room and the students need to record the number word next to the number!
It also includes a bunch of Spin n' Graph activities!! I also laminated them!
ANOTHER activity includes matching ten frames to numbers. LOVE!

And last but not least... ASSESSMENTS! There are 3 different assessments for the Common Core Standard 1.NBT.1!
If you don't already follow TGIF... go there now!! She has awesome ideas and is super nice! Plus, you can check out the product that she picked from MY TpT store!
On to some good news...
Susan and I decided to put our swap items on sale {20% off} for this weekend!!! :)
Grab her unit for only 4 bucks!!! GO THERE NOW!! It is a must!
YAY! Thanks so much Sandra for the great review :) You are the best!
T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)
this unit looks great!!! thank you for the pictures and for sharing!
Tales From a Traveling Teacher
This unit looks amazing! Great job on showing it off!!
The Teacher's Treasure Chest